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Offline Bilan

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« on: September 19, 2005, 03:20:04 pm »
TSC Adventure Alpha Demo Version 0.1f!

Should auto download when you go on that :o

Its only 28.57 MB's though this time, so its not too painful, well, compared to the last one.

Only a few changes from the previous version, namely the poison/game over/cave exit glitches, you can now explore SS's solo part of GS and a very very rough "The Domain".

After extracting it, I highly recommend that you just double click "RPG_RT", it has a funky picture so its easy to spot :o

I'd also recommend that you dont look into the other folders, you might inadvertently spoil various things for yourself, but I guess I cant stop you D:

Hope you like it, suggestions for improvement are welcome, PM/whatever me or mike with any questions/whatever :o


Z=Action Button (For accessing Stuff and whatnot :o)
Esc= Use to access the menu when not in battle
Arrow Keys= Pretty straight forward.

If at anytime the game appears to be 'stuck', just press the action button, that should continue it :o

Peace out.


Rock 'N' Roll
« Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 04:35:39 am by RPGnutter »
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Offline Tails47 2

« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 05:28:53 pm »
Err... what is it supposed to be?

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« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 08:48:00 pm »
One day in the chat I suggested we make an RPG (which was mainly due to a couple of lines suitable to a NPC I thought up once).

And here we are. Demo'd. :o

55.8MB? Gah, I'll have to check how much more I can download this month.



18MB?!? FUCK! D:

So, once the dialup speed capping kicks in, this is probably gonna take about four hours to download. XD

<3 Thorn.

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« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 10:39:09 pm »
Imagine how long it's going to take me... Fucking 28K... :(
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Offline magnum12

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« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2005, 11:29:43 pm »
I can't play the game. When I try to play it, a "The RPG Maker 2003 Runtime Package is not present or registered message."
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« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2005, 11:42:57 pm »
I can't play the game. When I try to play it, a "The RPG Maker 2003 Runtime Package is not present or registered message."

Same. You didn't tell me you needed RM2K3 to run the game... D:

<3 Thorn.

Offline CosmicFalcon

« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 11:55:01 am »
He didn't know and/or you don't if you export... package... somethingsomething... it properly.

Google 'rtp rpg maker 2003'. You'll find an abundance of downloads. You don't need the maker itself, just the RTP.
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

Offline Bilan

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« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 01:53:09 pm »
Bah, I included all the RTP files in the games folder itself to try and solve that -_-

I found a tonne of bugs in the demo after uploading though, they dont prevent you from playing, there just annoying, so I'll reupload the 'fixed' demo at some point. I was also gonna upload the Installer for RM2K3, as that'll give you the RTP files without a doubt, but like CF said, there're plenty on Google so I probably wont need to.

Demo Version 0.15'll be up some time before Thursday at the very latest,


Rock 'N' Roll

EDIT: Now with 100% more RAGE STORY for SL

<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] <Frostymcdoom> I have a story to tell
<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] * @Thorn ( Quit (Quit: in the words to the immortal RPG, "slpteim")
<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] <Frostymcdoom> of sterotypes and RAGE
<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] <Frostymcdoom> so I am playing a holy paladin
<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] <+Cruizer> ..ok
<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] <Frostymcdoom> who is mostly equipped in cloth and leather caster gear
<Frostymcdoom> [06:54] <Frostymcdoom> but she has a DPS sword and a tanking shield
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> to make levelling by myself easier
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> but when I run dungeons I have a caster item to use instead of the shield
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> But no caster weapon
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> so I ran Zul'Farrak this morning
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> Which is a level 42 minimum dungeon
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> I healed, 46 Pally tank who is awesome and I <3 her
<Frostymcdoom> [06:55] <Frostymcdoom> 50 hunter and 48 mage
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> and a 38 rogue that was as useful as a non combat pet
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> i pulled more dps than him and i was the healer
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> so we go all the way through
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> and at one boss
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> he drops this blue item
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> but its bind on equip instead of pickup
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> so the mage and the hunter greed roll on it
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> now
<Frostymcdoom> [06:56] <Frostymcdoom> its a mace
[06:56] <Frostymcdoom> and the only people n the party that can equip them are me and the tank
[06:56] <Frostymcdoom> and to both of us
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> its an upgrade
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> it gives stats to everything so it makes a caster replacement weapon for me
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> so we both ask if they mind us rolling need
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> and the mage and the hunter dont mind
[06:57] <@CodeGirl> [-New Post-] P.P.A. posted in Wikkity!: "The International Oxygen Rehabilitation Center" -,4337.msg47267.html#msg47267
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> after all its boe blue
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> level 40
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> worth maybe 15g
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> so the tank rolls need
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> and instantly the rogue rolls need
[06:57] <Frostymcdoom> so im like dude whyd you roll need
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> and my timer runs out so i autopass
[06:58] <+Cruizer> D:
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> and the rogue wins the roll.
[06:58] <+Cruizer> D:<
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> so the tank was like dude you cant use that
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> give it to me, I can
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> so he did
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> and he was like
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> i want to see you equip it so I know you wont sell it
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> and she was like hold on
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> and he was like youre not equipping it youre gonna sell it
[06:58] <Frostymcdoom> and she was like elfy you take it, its more of an upgrade to you
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> and hes like YOURE GONNA SELL IT
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> and im like you sure
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> so she trades it me
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> and i equip it
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> and then the rogue ragelogged
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> but right before
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> he was like
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> good job on the ninja there pallys
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> CHEEKY CUNT
[06:59] <+Cruizer> lolrogues
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> OF ALL THE THINGS
[06:59] <Frostymcdoom> HOW CAN HE SAY WE NINJAD AN UPGRADE
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> When he rolled need on a weapon he cant even use
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> AUHSAGSS
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> I hate rogues.
[07:00] <+Cruizer> X)
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> I raged so hard
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> I am raging again right now
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> Cheeky son of a bitch
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> And he was 4 levels too low!
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> Last time I drag his ass through anything
[07:00] <Frostymcdoom> No healing for that motherfucker next time
« Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 03:01:10 pm by Frostymcdoom the Noble, Champion of the Frozen Wastes »
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« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2005, 05:03:51 pm »
55.8 MB???!!! At first, I thought it was 5.58!
There's no way I can download this. :(
(unless I can use someone else's computer and burn a CD)
Can you remove something to make a small version?
What makes it so big? Is it music?
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« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2005, 08:14:26 pm »
Just played it then, and it rawks.

Mostly as I imagined it. Which is a good thing. :o

The enemies poison you too much though. D:

Anyhow, I love the way it's going at the moment. And I'll still be contributing with stuff.

<3 Thorn.

Offline Shadow Wedge

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« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2005, 12:35:38 am »
I like it.
HOWEVER I don't like the fact that no one got attacked (ever) until I was dead. Like wtf man.

And poison happens far far too often.

Heh, I like my special attack though. :P
Edit: And the fact that I could tell which room was mine rather easily >_>
« Last Edit: September 21, 2005, 12:37:17 am by Shadow Wedge »
<3 Sonic Rush, Sonic Riders, Sonic Rivals. Rolko-style encoding: StH JJ1 Tal+++! $++++ GM
Yes it's correct, that ! is there.

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« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2005, 05:59:43 am »
ITT RPG is self-important.

I started about my fourth new game today, and RPG died in the first fight. After leaving the room to switch with the 2D Division, I was met with "Game Over".


/me whine D:

EDIT: Well, to be constructive, I'd better add some more ideas.

I went searching and found that there were other people at TSC HQ - one of whom is Cream, who says "I have a foot fetish." RPG should be replying to this with "See? I told you all so!" or something similar.

Also I conclude CF gets the best lines. And it should stay that way. While the game's a parody itself, it needs a genuine comic relief character. =P
« Last Edit: September 21, 2005, 06:41:23 am by mike89 »

<3 Thorn.

Offline Bilan

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« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2005, 08:07:26 am »
EDIT: Mike, I know what caused that too happen. Right after the first fight, I set a trigegr to automatically heal the 2D Party to 100% as they dont get to explore the HQ and use the Heal Box doodah before they go to CyberSpace, which makes it impossible for it to register the 2D Party as 'dead'.

However, there is no such trigger for the 3D Division as they get to explore the HQ (Its nothing personal, it just would've been a bitch to make triggers so that all 100+ evenst happen differently for the two partys), so when it tries to switch, it registers the entire party as dead....BECAUSE it removes the 2nd, 3rd and 4th characters, then adds the first 3 from the 2D squad, then removes RPG and adds sonichero.

SO. For a split second, RPG is the only party member, and as he's dead. Game Over.

Problem Solved already, I had to alter ONE little variable XD

~Original Post~ :o

Meh, I've played through the Intro atleast 60 times from pre-tests and whatnot, and I rarely have characters die, I just unload Sattelite Smackdown and Thunderblast into formarfan, and have Ninty and sonichero attack Goalie, after that they need one attack each and there down :o

As for NEH, by the time you run out of MP, he's practically dead anyway.

Neither of those first two battles are 'pre-set' they just target random characters, so its pretty unlucky if they actually kill someone.

And ya, I'm still fixing the poison thing, I'll drop the percentage chance they use the attack a little and and lower its accuracy, oh, and I meant to add some items at the start >_<

As for extra's/secrets, here's a checklist :o

"Cherry's message (Event)"
"Ball and Chain"
"Blast Potion"
"Lots of crappy potions"
"Palm Tree"
"Tasteless Berry"
"Sitrus Berry"

But I'm adding another extra doodad to compensate for appaling CyberSpace Poison thing D:

Sadly, I haven't made another part to GS yet, beating COlloseum's 100 Trainer Battle Mode, which should be done by tonight, and I have a whole day off tomorrow, so expect some work done.

I'm glad you like it, its taken me fucking ages to get it to the stage ist at now, it means a lot to me guys :D

Oh, and mike, if you have the link handy for where you got the RTP, can you post it and I'll edit it into my first post so there wont be any problems with that in the future :D

Peace Out


Rock 'N' Roll
« Last Edit: September 21, 2005, 09:00:42 am by RPGnutter »
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Offline Taco

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« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2005, 06:46:03 pm »
Am downloading now ASAP lawl lawl lawl

Offline Taco

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« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2005, 11:29:48 pm »
Well I just played it, and I must say, WOW

great job RPG. I love it so far!

Just a few small things you can fix up

1. That gameover glitch you get after the first battle sometimes.
2. In the TSC Armory, you can get stuck in the tile to the left of the tile that triggers the conversation about what's in the barrel on the tiny island.
3. When you get to gamespot, are you meant to go through the caves to get to the top? Because you can just go around the mountain and pop up on top from behind. If you try to go into the cave you normally exit, you'll get stuck as well.

Overall, realy cool. And I like how you put lots of secrets in >_>

Offline Bilan

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« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2005, 03:56:31 am »
1. That gameover glitch you get after the first battle sometimes.
2. In the TSC Armory, you can get stuck in the tile to the left of the tile that triggers the conversation about what's in the barrel on the tiny island.
3. When you get to gamespot, are you meant to go through the caves to get to the top? Because you can just go around the mountain and pop up on top from behind. If you try to go into the cave you normally exit, you'll get stuck as well.

Overall, realy cool. And I like how you put lots of secrets in >_>

Fixed :o

And ya, I like secrets <_<
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« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2005, 01:07:10 pm »
I made a game with a really dumb battle system,
and the improved DX version/sequel/whatever was being worked on months ago.
(I'll probably get back to it soon.)
The main features were:
1. 73H kRAAA@@@@@@@zee333ne$$$!!!!!!!!11111111
2. video game characters and places
3. You guessed it-  secrets, secrets, and more secrets!
(It has a sound test, F-Zero machines to drive around in,
fake walls with paths that lead to either tilesets or more craziness,
hidden characters, an alternate ending [incomplete],
and a preview of a Zelda game that's been neglected for what must be a year.
[only in the original version])


Who's in TSCA? Am I in it?
(If I am, do you make me look cool or like an idiot? :p)
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« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2005, 11:01:39 pm »
I've been working on a game myself, but I haven't started with coding and construction and shit yet though. I'm only working on how the game is going to work out, the battle system (might be classic turn based, but I don't know yet) and the script. I have some very basic ideas I've had for a while now, but I never put them to work. D:

Who's in TSCA? Am I in it?
(If I am, do you make me look cool or like an idiot? :p)

Lol, likewise, I'd like to know too, am I in it?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2005, 11:06:12 pm by sonicam »
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Offline Bilan

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« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2005, 07:19:02 am »
Marth: You aren't in this version, but I can add you for the next.
Sonicam: You are in this version, but you only say one line because I couldn'th think of anything else. However, for the next version you'll have a cutscene all to yourself :O
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« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2005, 02:08:15 pm »
Well, this idea greatly intrigues me...once I get internet access, I'll have to download it.
It will be interesting to slaughter all these nefarious cheaters who have plagued tsc in the past. Also, in the final version, include me as a loaded player character majigger who furiously throws infinitismal wisdom coupled with unprecedented ideas at my slanderous enemies. My special attack should be producing a myriad of boot disks which do x ammount of damage per disk, which increases per gold/attack/materia/whatever the hell currency you have. Or just give me a one liner, slaughter me brutally, then have my ghost come back to wreak havoc upon your file systems. Damn I'm evil. Or just righteuously sensible.
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*exact differential between 70 and my current age is greater than 0

Offline Bilan

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« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2005, 02:51:27 pm »
Well, this idea greatly intrigues me...once I get internet access, I'll have to download it.
It will be interesting to slaughter all these nefarious cheaters who have plagued tsc in the past. Also, in the final version, include me as a loaded player character majigger who furiously throws infinitismal wisdom coupled with unprecedented ideas at my slanderous enemies. My special attack should be producing a myriad of boot disks which do x ammount of damage per disk, which increases per gold/attack/materia/whatever the hell currency you have. Or just give me a one liner, slaughter me brutally, then have my ghost come back to wreak havoc upon your file systems. Damn I'm evil. Or just righteuously sensible.

Well for one, I dont have the 1337 skillz to make an attack that does that, also, the playable characters are already finalised, sorry D:
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Offline Bilan

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« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2005, 12:31:11 pm »
Also after 2 1/2 months of procrastination, work has BEEN RESUMED. SHOCK. HORROR. SCANDAL.
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Offline qubit

« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2006, 06:13:47 pm »
What's up with the ATB system on this thing?  It's totally screwed.  The enemy attacks at random intervals even before I attack!
Me: Do you find it odd that CF's top two loves rank last in his Bouncy rankings? x_x
mike89: yes. yes i do.
mike89: but then i find CF odd.
Me: so do I.

The odds of meeting a TSCer randomly on the street, at any given time anywhere in the world, is approximately 15,785,611 to 1 ... and growing.

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« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2006, 01:21:08 am »
Who's in the current version, and what role (brief explanation) do they play in the story.
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Offline Bilan

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« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2006, 03:08:56 am »
What's up with the ATB system on this thing?  It's totally screwed.  The enemy attacks at random intervals even before I attack!

...there set to attack first maybe? Because they have higher speed? Because you just started and the characters have low speed to begin with for the most part? Chances are, if it happens, its because it was intended, to clear up future issue's with the battle system. Aside from those bugs in the first version >_>

As for 'random intervals', the enemies have 'Action Bars' to ya'know? There just invisable, so they hardly attack 'randomly', they attack exactly the same way as the party, just at different speeds.

Magnum: I will type an explanation of the playable characters when I get back tonight.
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Offline qubit

« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2006, 09:41:57 am »
What's up with the ATB system on this thing?  It's totally screwed.  The enemy attacks at random intervals even before I attack!

...there set to attack first maybe? Because they have higher speed? Because you just started and the characters have low speed to begin with for the most part? Chances are, if it happens, its because it was intended, to clear up future issue's with the battle system. Aside from those bugs in the first version >_>


Just beat 0.5, shame there isn't more XD

I know it seems dumb, but would it be possible to include me in the next edition?  Possibly as a liar or cheat detector (considering my obsession with cheaters and liars before the crash).  You don't have to, just suggesting.

Also, something about blueblaze joining the four n00bs of the apocalypse seeking revenge would be shweet.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 10:17:23 am by theenglishman »
Me: Do you find it odd that CF's top two loves rank last in his Bouncy rankings? x_x
mike89: yes. yes i do.
mike89: but then i find CF odd.
Me: so do I.

The odds of meeting a TSCer randomly on the street, at any given time anywhere in the world, is approximately 15,785,611 to 1 ... and growing.

Offline Bilan

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« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2006, 01:06:06 pm »

Just beat 0.5, shame there isn't more XD

I know it seems dumb, but would it be possible to include me in the next edition?  Possibly as a liar or cheat detector (considering my obsession with cheaters and liars before the crash).  You don't have to, just suggesting.

Also, something about blueblaze joining the four n00bs of the apocalypse seeking revenge would be shweet.

Its in the works :O.

Also your in there....wandering around the HQ somewhere.

As for Double B and many other 'famous names', just because there not in the demo doesnt mean mike and myself dont have plans elsewhere for them :o.

EDIT: And '0.15' :P I forget if I ever put up .16....not like it matters really, .20 is in the works :o.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 05:43:15 pm by RPGnutter »
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« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2006, 01:56:57 pm »
That was brilliant! <3 RPG :)
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline qubit

« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2006, 07:27:20 pm »

Just beat 0.5, shame there isn't more XD

I know it seems dumb, but would it be possible to include me in the next edition?  Possibly as a liar or cheat detector (considering my obsession with cheaters and liars before the crash).  You don't have to, just suggesting.

Also, something about blueblaze joining the four n00bs of the apocalypse seeking revenge would be shweet.

Its in the works :O.

Also your in there....wandering around the HQ somewhere.

As for Double B and many other 'famous names', just because there not in the demo doesnt mean mike and myself dont have plans elsewhere for them :o.

EDIT: And '0.15' :P I forget if I ever put up .16....not like it matters really, .20 is in the works :o.

w00t more fame!  I'll get to see how you interpret me rpg, hopefully not as a cheat-obsessed liar-basher XD
Me: Do you find it odd that CF's top two loves rank last in his Bouncy rankings? x_x
mike89: yes. yes i do.
mike89: but then i find CF odd.
Me: so do I.

The odds of meeting a TSCer randomly on the street, at any given time anywhere in the world, is approximately 15,785,611 to 1 ... and growing.

Offline Bilan

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« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2006, 03:08:45 am »

Just beat 0.5, shame there isn't more XD

I know it seems dumb, but would it be possible to include me in the next edition?  Possibly as a liar or cheat detector (considering my obsession with cheaters and liars before the crash).  You don't have to, just suggesting.

Also, something about blueblaze joining the four n00bs of the apocalypse seeking revenge would be shweet.

Its in the works :O.

Also your in there....wandering around the HQ somewhere.

As for Double B and many other 'famous names', just because there not in the demo doesnt mean mike and myself dont have plans elsewhere for them :o.

EDIT: And '0.15' :P I forget if I ever put up .16....not like it matters really, .20 is in the works :o.

w00t more fame!  I'll get to see how you interpret me rpg, hopefully not as a cheat-obsessed liar-basher XD

At the moment you have a WHOLE LINE all to yourself X).
Did you not think I had a mind?


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